Family Events

Dr Williams Library


Old Herts

How To


Dr Daniel Williams (c1643-1716) was a Presbyterian minister who left his collection of books and papers for public use. The library still exists and represents an important source of information on English non-conformity, theology and slavery. (Address: Dr William's Library, 14 Gordon Square, London, WC1E OAG.)

It is best known among genealogists for its register (which has been transferred to the National Archives) and which is indexed on the British Vital Records CD.  In 1742 representatives of the Baptists, Presbyterian and Congregational churches agreed to set up a register. This started very slowly but by the time the register was transferred to the Registrar General it contained 48975 entries. Queries relating to these entries should not be addressed to the Library as they have not held the records since 1837.


D No ???

These are to certify that John Gibbs

Son of Robert Gibbs

and Ann his Wife, who was Daughter of

Samuell Miller was born in Castel Street

in the Parish of Aylesbury

in the County of Bucks the Eighteenth

Day of May in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred

and ninety two at whose birth we were present

Anna Clark

Mary Sanders

Registered at Dr William's Library, Redcross-Street, near Cripplegate, London

Sepr 10th 1805    Thos Morgan, Registrar

The Birth Certificate of John Gibbs, of Aylesbury, Bucks

April 2012   John Gibbs certificate added