Hitchin Hospital 1929
To commemorate the Visit of
H.R.H. The Duchess of York
to open the New Wing of the North Herts and South Beds Hospital, Hitchin, on
Saturday, July 20th, 1929
such as this visit of the Duchess of York, later Queen Elizabeth, the Queen
Mother, can contain a wealth of information. The pages cover the following:
The Hospital Management Committee - giving the names of the president, vice-president, treasurers, members, auditor and secretary.
The Medical and Surgical Staff - including a portrait of the Matron, Miss K. Bell.
The Hospital - a short history (see below)
The New Wing
The Official Programme
Details of Supporting Events
Plain Facts - Hospital statistics for 1928
The Adverts - which give details of many local businesses and paint a view of life at the time (see below)
So long ago as 1822, a few Hitchin gentlemen conceived the idea of a dispensary for Hitchin. This was established a year later—and that was the beginning of the Nor th Herts and South Beds Hospital, which has now reached an important stage in the history of its development.
The institution was so well supported that by 1840 sufficient funds had accumulated to found the North Herts and South Beds Infirmary at a cost of nearly £4000. At first, there were only ten beds, but succeeding years saw its scope extended in many directions. The out-patients' waiting-hall was enlarged, sanitation improved, a laundry and wash-house built, and an isolation ward installed.
In 1900, the name "Infirmary" was changed to "Hospital." A year later, a new out-patients" wing was added and, in 1920, and 1922, important additions included; staff rooms, a radiograph room, another storey to south block, an operating theatre, dressing rooms, anaesthetising and sterilizing rooms, a children's ward and four private wards, while the general wards were enlarged and radiators and a hot water supply were installed.
The ever-increasing demands upon the services of the hospital have necessitated alterations and additions every year. The available accommodation in 1928, including four private wards, was sufficient for 34 patients, but this is not enough for all the cases requiring treatment, and some who would have benefited by a longer stay had to be discharged to make room for more urgent cases.
The Council of Management therefore decided to complete the enlargement scheme, begun in 1921, by erecting a ward to accommodate 22 patients, with proportionate) provision for the staff. Much valuable advice was given by Mr. F. Selby, upon whose recommendation the designing of the new wing was entrusted to Mr. B. L. Sutcliffe, A.R.I.B.A. Tenders were invited, and that of Messrs. M. & F. 0. Foster & Co., Ltd., of Hitchin, for £6,100 was accepted. With the equipment, necessary alterations to the old wards and the addition of two large balconies, the total cost will be approximately £7,600.
The administration of the Hospital is of the highest order. Its .affairs are watched over by the President, Viscount Hampden, assisted by a Council of local residents. The willing performance of the duties of the staff, ably led by an efficient and sympathetic Matron, is testified to by the many appreciative letters received from patients, and the gratuitous services of all the practising doctors in Hitchin are deserving of the fullest commendation.
TREW, 1840-1856.
Mrs. GLASS, 1856-1862.
Mrs. GREET, 1862-1884.
Miss SAWYER, 1884-1891.
Miss WARREN, 1891-1894.
Miss HALL, 1894-1918.
Miss WARNER, 1918-1923.
Miss BELL, 1923-——.
wide range of businesses advertised in the programme. Some, such as Geo. Jackson
and G. W. Russell boasted how long they had been established in the town while
Ashwell Coach Service, to emphasise how modern its motor buses were, claimed to
be "established yesterday." You could buy a Triumph Super Seven car
for £149 10 shillings from R. E. Sanders and if the battery packed up you could
get a new plate from the Exide Service Station.
Around the home you could have a hot water system installed by Theobalds, hire a Hoover from Shadbolt's, or buy a Kelvinator (an early home refrigerator) from the Exide Service Station. After a busy day's shopping you could have a Devon Cream Tea at the Stay-a-While Tea Rooms for one shilling, and if you were worried about hair loss Douglas Collins claimed he had the answer. He must have been one of the most recent to install a telephone as his number was Hitchin 380, while many businesses only had 2 digit numbers.
Nicholls, Draper, Milliner & Ladies Outfitter, Bancroft.
Tea Rooms, Hermitage Road.
Cannon's, Floral
Artists, High Street.
V. H. Garratt &
Son, Fishmongers, Poulterers and Game Dealers, 2 Brand Street.
W. Morriss, Draper, Milliner and Ladies Outfitter, High Street.
Callaway, Watchmaker, Jeweller and Diamond Merchant, High Street.
& Son, Provisions and Groceries, 11-12 Market Square.
Jackson & Sons (Established 1846) Auctioneers, Valuers, Land Agents &
Shadbolt's, Electricians, 6
Tilehouse Street.
Chas. F. Ansell &
Sons, Butchers & Graziers, Hitchin & Letchworth..
Stuart Collins, Hair Consultant, 5 Hermitage Road.
Painting and Hot Water Work, Bancroft.
T. W.
& P. Franklin, Corn, Coal, Seed & Wool Merchants, Hitchin, Letchworth,
Stevenage, Baldock, Knebworth
G. W. Russell & Son, Leather Manufacturers
(Established 140 years).
M. & F. O.
Foster, Builders & Contractors, House Decorators, York Road.
Bancroft Press, Wholesale & Manufacturing Stationers.
& Cannon, The Sweet Shop; The Smoker's Stores, Church Gates, Market Place.
Service Station. Commercial Avenue, Letchworth.
Leverett, Ashwell Bus Service, Ashwell.
Willmott & Sons, builders & Contractors, Walsworth Road, Hitchin.
Spurr, Everything for Holiday Wear, 14 & 15, Market Place.
& Llewellyn, Chemists & Cultivators of Lavender, 9, High Street.
E. Sanders & Sons, Triumph Motor Cars, Walsworth Road
If you can add to the information given above tell me.
Page created February 2005