"The King and I"
At the Palace Theatre, Watford
October 30th - November 4th, 1967
This programme contains full details of the performance, the principle actors being Leo Rush, Paul Fickling, Doris Allen, Tim Lamford, Desmond Dunn, Bob Greenwood, Derek Durant, Shaki Metrebian, Joad Duran, Nigel Crouch, Judith Savage, Brian Robson and Derek Bentley.
However it also contains much additional information of interest to the local historian or genealogist. For instance the Cassio Operatic Society was founded in 1949, and the programme included the full committee and a list of productions during the intervening years. It also contains many adverts from local tradesmen such as Tracey's Pet Parlour, Trewin Brothers, Hammons Photographic, Hodsons, Elizabeth Scott, etc. Details are givenof future programs by Welwyn Thalians and Watford Philharmonic Society.
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