Tring in War Time, 1914-1919 |
Extracts from the Bucks Herald of 30th January, 1915
Edited from British Newspaper Archive
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War related matters were more prominent in this week's paper, headed by details of the wedding, with full military honours, of Herbert Hamilton,an officer in the Northumberland Fusiliers. The Hertfordshire Regiment is doing well at the front and 200 more territorials have joined them, including three men from Tring - Archibald Bishop (carpenter, son of Henry Bishop, carpenter, of Longfield Road), Frank Marcham (coach painter, son of Frederick W. Marcham, invalid, of Oakleigh, Western Road), and Fred Rodwell (son of William Rodwell, brewer, of Akeman Street).
News is given of the death of
Harry Poulton (married Clara
Fountain, daughter of Joseph
Shortages of men due to the numbers who have gone to the front are mentioned the regular Agricultural Notes column, where the problem is being made worse by bad weather. Mr Bedford, of New Ground Farm advertises for a ploughman in a Reading newspaper - presumably because he can't recruit locally, while Walter Rothschild now only opens his museum to visitors on Wednesday afternoon. Two news items would remind readers of the real possibility of German attacks on this country. The first was an announcement about the blackout precautions in the event of a zeppelin raid. The second was in a news item, reprinted from The Field, which discussed the possibility of the a number of the agricultural shows being cancelled. While it did not mention the German bombardment of Scarborough it points out that "the Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Societies had virtually no alternative but abandon their shows, which, strangely enough, were both have been held within gun range of the sea." Tring Post Office was very much in the news as a postman, Fred Budd, was presented a testimonial by the Royal Humane Society for resuscitating a child who had been unconscious when pulled from a pond near Pitstone. The presentation was also an opportunity to welcome the new postmaster, Mr Charles Alfred Cole, to the town. Earlier the same day John William Thomas Morrison (a chemist and druggist whose shop was on the other side of what was the called Western Road, but which is now part of the High Street) was involved in an accident with a car. As usual the paper printed details of the service so be held at the Parish Church on Sunday, while the recently appointed organist and choirmaster, Arthur Henry Baker was advertising his services as a music teacher. At Wigginton the Church of England's Men's Society had a meeting about setting up a Diocesan Union. Every week the Estate agent and Auctioneer, William Brown & Co. of Tring and Aylesbury have a large advert and this week I see you could rent a 4 reception room, 7 bedroom house in the Tring area for 7 guineas a week (£7.35). I have also included details of one of his livestock sales - which includes the names of many local farmer. Surnames mentioned in the following extracts: Anderson, Baker, Bedford, Bell, Bishop, Breadalhane, Broad, Brown, Budd, Capel, Cole, Curtis, Fells, Figg, Finch, Francis, Gaston, Gomm, Goulder, Grange, Hamilton, Hedges, Jesson, Lewin, Lowe, Marcham, Morant, Morrison, Ogilvie, O'Keefe, Pearce, Poulton, Puddephatt, Rodwell, Rothschild, Thomas, Woodman, Wakley, Waldock Winteringham Notes from usual genealogy sources - particularly census returns of 1901 and 1911) |
TRING The Rev. Charles Pearce. - Writing in the Tring Free Church Magazine, Mr. Pearce says:; "The Commanding Officer has most graciously called to congratulate me on my appointment as Chaplain in Tring. I had been nominated by the Army Board of four denominations - Baptists, Congregationalists, Primitive Methodists, and United Methodists." Church of St. Peter and St. Paul. - Services for Septuagesima Sunday, January 31: Holy Eucharist, 8; Matins, 11; Venite and Psalms as set (Cathedral Psalter); Te Deum. first alternative set; Benedictus, Garrett; hymns 83, 533, 170, Voluntary. "Golden Trumpets March" (A. Godwin Fowles). Evensong. 6: Psalms as set; Magnificat (Macfarren); Nunc Dimittis (Farrant); hymns 23, 172, 522; voluntary, "Offertoire in D flat" (W. B. Chinner). A. H. Baker, F.R.C.O., organist and choirmaster. The Herts Territorials. - The County Regiment is still in the thick of the fight, and they continue to win golden opinions. Lord Cavan, commanding the 4th Guards Brigade, says the Herts Territorials are doing very well, and that is proud to have them in his Brigade. At the end of last week another contingent of the County Territorials - about 200 in number - sailed from Southampton for the front. Among the Tring men who went out then were Messrs. Archibald Bishop, Frank Marcham, and Fred Rodwell. Precautions against Zeppelin Raids. - The police, acting on instructions from the County Constabulary authorities, on Tuesday issued orders to the residents to lower all lights at night, and to dispense as far as possible with outside illuminations. The street lamps were not lit, and the streets presented quite a gloomy appearance. These precautions are being taken in view of a possible raid by Zeppelins over the district, but it is explained that such a raid is very unlikely to take place so far inland. The special constables are out at night watching for any signs of the approach of aircraft. Our Roll of Honour. - To the names of those from Tring who have given their lives for their country, we have to add that of Harry Poulton. Although he was killed on Sept. 20th, his wife has only now received news his death. For some years Poulton was in India with the First Division the Highland Light Infantry. But 18 months ago he came home to England, and married and settled down to work in Tring. He took an active part in last summer's carnival, and trained one of the teams in the tug-of-war He was called out at the beginning of the war, and went with the Second Division of the Highland Light Infantry to France. We offer his wife our very sincere sympathy. Tring Church Magazine. Accident. - Mr. J. W. T. Morrison was knocked down by a motor car on Thursday morning, 28th. The L and N.W.R. motor 'bus was standing in front of the Post Office when Mr. Morrison came out of the building, and as he passed behind the bus to cross the road he walked in front of a car going the direction of Aylesbury. which he had not noticed, and was knocked down. The driver the car, who said he sounded his hooter, at once clapped on his brakes and brought the car standstill. Corporal Thomas, R.A.M.C.. who was passing, and some neighbours, got Mr. Morrison across to his house, which is opposite, and Dr. O'Keeffe was summoned. Mr. Morrison was badly shaken, and one his legs was injured, but no bones were broken. The prompt action of the driver in putting on his brakes prevented the wheel from going right over the leg, otherwise the result would have been more serious. The car, which was occupied by a gentleman and some ladies, belongs to Mr. J. Capel, jobmaster. Mr. Morrison stated that no blame attached to the driver of the car. The Zoological Museum. Until further notice, the Hon. Walter Rothschild's Museum will be open on Wednesday from 1 to 4 p.m. only. A pleasing if somewhat informal, gathering took place in the Postmaster's room at the Tring Post Office on Thursday evening in last week, when the Honorary Testimonial of the Royal Humane Society was handed to Mr. Fred Budd. postman, by the Postmaster, in the presence of most of the members of the indoor and outdoor staffs. The Rev. H. Francis, the vicar, whose presence was much appreciated by the recipient of the testimonial and by his colleagues, briefly explained the circumstances which led explained the circumstances which led up to the testimonial being granted. His attention was first drawn to the matter by a letter from a gentleman at Ealing who witnessed the occurrence, and who thought that Budd's very worthy act in restoring the life of a child who had fallen into a pond near Pitstone should be brought before the Royal Humane Society. He (the Chairman) put the facts before the Society, though he was afraid, at first, the Society would not be able recognise the deed, as the child was out of the water when Budd arrived. A second letter was written, supported by the testimony of Dr. Anderson. The Royal Humane Society met at Trafalgar-square on Dec. 8th. Admiral Sir G. O. Morant. K.C.B., in the chair, and it was resolved that "Fred Budd is entitled to the Honorary Testimonial of this Society, inscribed on vellum, which is hereby awarded to him for humanity, in having on the 12th of August, 1914. restored the life of a child whose body had been taken from a pond at Tring in an unconscious state." The parchment was signed by Lord Breadalhane (vice-president) and Sir G. O. Morant (chairman). Proceeding, the Chairman said when Mr. Budd arrived upon the scene he found everyone terrified. and no one was attempting to do anything. Without knowing much of the system to be adopted, Mr. Budd applied his common-sense, and, in the opinion of Dr. Anderson, restored the child to life in a most marvellous manner. This testimonial was a recognition that Fred Budd was ready to do his best, and that he did it so so successfully that the child's life was saved. He (the Chairman) was pleased to be the mouthpiece of the Tring Post Office staff on that occasion, and was also glad to welcome Mr. Cole, the new postmaster, to the town. hoped Mr. Cole would have a pleasant life and enjoy his work in Tring. The Chairman then asked Mr. Cole to make the presentation. Mr. Cole expressed his appreciation of Mr. Francis' kindness in being present, and also his gratitude for his kind allusions to himself (the postmaster) and his staff. The relations between the staff and himself during the three weeks he had been in Tring had been most pleasant. The staff were contented, and did their work in most satisfactory manner, and if it was possible to secure for them some further advance, he should be happy to do what he could. He knew that some of the staff were anxious to serve their King and country, but it was very difficult to get temporary help trained as well as the present staff; but when they could do that they would be able to release those who wished to go. When this wished to go. When this presentation came to his knowledge, he mentioned it to the Surveyor, and it was decided that the presentation should officially recognised. The record would be printed in the Post Office Circular, which circulated to every Post Office in the Kingdom. Mr. Cole then asked Mr. Budd to accept the testimonial., which he had had suitably framed. He hoped he would be spared many years, and that the testimonial he received that night would spur him yet greater efforts. Mr. A. J. Howlett expressed the pleasure felt by all that a member of their staff was the holder of such valuable testimonial. He understood that all Mr. Budd knew of "first-aid" was some hints he had read on the back of cigarette cards. Mr. Budd briefly replied, and said how greatly appreciated the kindness of the Vicar, the Postmaster, and Mr. Howlett. In reply to a vote of thanks for presiding, the Chairman said he looked upon it as a great compliment to be asked to preside that occasion. and was exceedingly glad to he present. Tring accustomed to things military, but until Thursday it had not had an opportunity of witnessing a military wedding. The marriage of Lieut. Herbert O. Hamilton with Miss Muriel D. Wakley gave it this opportunity, and great deal of public interest was taken in the happy event. Lieut. Hamilton is attached to the "B" Company, 12th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers, and is a very popular officer with the men under his command. The service took place at the Parish Church, and in the congregation, in addition to the relatives and friends of the contracting parties, were Colonel W. B. Mullins and the officers of the Battalion, the non-commissioned officers of "B” Company, and the men of No. 8 Platoon, about eighty in number. At the beginning of the service the hymn "The Voice that breathed o'er Eden" was sung. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. F. T. Hamilton, father of the bridegroom, and the concluding prayers were said by the Rev. H. Francis, vicar of Tring. The bride, who was given away by her uncle, Mr. Wakley, wore a travelling costume. There were no bridesmaids. A verse of the National Anthem was sung at the end of the service. As the bride and bridegroom left the church Mr. A. H. Baker, F.R.C.O.. played the "Wedding March." The bride and bridegroom passed from the church to their car under an archway formed by the bayonets of the non-commissioned officers of the Company and the men of the 8th Platoon. The tips of the bayonets were effectively decorated with red and white roses, the regimental colours. The front of the bridal car was decorated with a large horseshoe embellished with the colours of the Northumberland Fusiliers, the work of Quartermaster-Sergeant Winteringham. The reception was held at the Rose and Crown Hotel, and afterwards the bridal party, including the bride’s mother. Mrs. Wakley. went to the Y.M.C.A. Rooms, where a repast was prepared for the men of No. 8 Platoon. On their entry the bride and bridegroom had rousing reception. After few words of welcome from the Rev. W. F. T. Hamilton, the bridegroom's father, who spoke on behalf Mrs. Wakley. Quartermaster-Sergeant Winteringham asked Lieut. Hamilton to accept case of silver dessert knives and forks as wedding present from the non-commissioned officers and men of Company. and Corporal Jesson offered him a fitted gentleman's writing case on behalf of the men of No. 8 Platoon. The gifts were feelingly acknowledged by Lient. Hamilton. The men then sat down to a substantial repast pinch was very tastefully served by Mr. F. Waldock. Later in the day Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton left Tring for a brief honeymoon. #### The above article was repeated in the North Devon Journal of 5th February with the following addition: The bridegroom was the only son of the Rev. W. F. T. Hamilton, the Vicarage, Cromer, and the bride oldest daughter the late T. F. S. Wakley, M.I.C.E., and Mrs. Wakley, of Lasswade, Barnstable. |
Concert. - A successful and enjoyable concert was given on Saturday evening. The very satisfactory arrangements were made and carried out by Miss Woodman and Mr. W. H. Woodman. and the proceeds were devoted to the expenses of carrying on the Soldiers' Reading Room in the village. Programme — Part I. Part song. "Down in yon summer vale,” Messrs. F. B. Fells, P. Brown. H. N. Hedges, and Goulder; song, “Stuck in the mud." Mr. F. B. Fells; song. “A flower song,” Mrs. Curtis; song, “Lads of Devon,” Mr. Curtis; song, “Get out and get under,” Miss Ogilvie and Miss Broad; song. “Land of Hope and Glory,” Mr. Goulder; song, “Floral Dance,” Mr. H N. Hedges; trio, “There was a Farmer,” Messrs. Hedges, Fells, and Brown; song. Miss Woodman. Part II. — Part song, “The Merry Frogs,” Messrs. Fells, Brown, Hedges, and Goulder (encore. “Alexander”); song. “The Gipsy Vagabonds,” Mr. Curtis; “Young Tom O’Devon,” Mr. Fells; song. “Two little chicks.” Mrs. Curtis; sketch, “Geese,” Miss Ogilvie and Miss Broad; song. “Cuckoo,” Miss Woodman; song, “ Polly-wolly-doodle,” Lieut. Bell ; song. “ Shipmates o’ mine,” Mr. Hedges; song, Mr. Curtis. WIGGINTON. C.E.M.S. - The local branch met the Vicarage on Tuesday, January 19th, by kind invitation the Vicar and Mrs. Finch. Nearly all the members, except those who are away on service, were present. Mr. R. Lowe gave very concise and exhaustive report of the meeting held at St. Albans, under the presidency of the Bishop, for the purpose of forming a Diocesan Union, and was heartily thanked for the pains he had taken in drawing up the same. The members thought that the levy of 2d. per member per annum for the expenses of the Union was very serious matter for the poorer Branches. The rest the evening was spent in a social manner, and was thoroughly enjoyed. Refreshments were served at intervals. During the evening Mr. Alee Baker, a member of the branch, and also clerk and sexton of the Parish Church and connected with various other organisations. was presented with handsome clock on tfie occasion of his approaching marriage with Miss A. Figg. The Vicar made the presentation on behalf of the subscribers, and Mr. Baker suitably replied. On dispersing the company expressed thanks to the Vicar and Mrs. Finch for their hospitality. Red Cross Society. - A branch of this Society has held weekly meetings the Vicarage since the outbreak of the war. Many useful gifts have been sent to the men from this village serving in the various branches of the Forces, and have been highly appreciated. Still the good work goes on, and Mrs. Finch, having seen appeal from the Parent Society for various articles, sent, with the full approval of the members, a parcel containing nightshirts, flannel jackets, surgical coats, bed socks, sheets, pillow cases, and hot-water bottle covers, to the number of 31 articles. Mrs. Finch has received the following reply from the Stores Department, which not only interesting, but also encouraging the members to go with their good work. — "British Red Cross Society. Jan. 10th, 1915. Dear Madam. — I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your generous gift of the articles as scheduled hereunder. The Society is glad to be able to assure you that the articles you have sent are badly needed by the sick and wounded, and will highly appreciated. They will be divided among the sick and wounded lying both in the military hospitals abroad and in our hospitals in Great Britain —Yours faithfully, W. E. Gaston.". [Buckinghamshire adverts edited from original full column advert] MESSRS. W. BROWN & CO. The supply at this sale on Monday was comparatively, for the time of year, a short one, but those who were fortunate enough to consign stock experienced the dearest trade that has occurred for many years. Each section participated in the increased prices, and the public must not be surprised if they are charged higher prices for their meat. Some good tegs were consigned by Mr. L. Lewin, which made 555. 6d. to 58s. Gd.; Mr. R. Puddephatt. 675. 6d. to 735. 6d.; Mr. E. Grange, 61s. to 70s.; Mr. J. Gomm, 71s., etc. Amongst the cattle were some good bullocks from Tring Park Estate, which made £26:5 and £26:12:6; two from Mr. J. Batchelor, Heath End, £28:5 and £30; Mr. W. R. Hows, 3. up to .£29: 10; Mr. P. S. Mead, 3. £21:10 to £24; Mr. M. Pratt, £29. etc. Consignors of pigs included Mr. G. Clark, 4, which made £5:5 to £5:12; Mr. G. Reeve, 5. £5:l to £5:18; Mr. J. Puddephatt. £4:13 to £4:19. etc. Prices ranged from 41s. 6d. to 73s. 6d. for tegs; to 61s. for ewes. Bullocks made to £30; heifers. £16:7:6 to £29: 10: bacon hogs. £3:10 to £5:18; and porkers, 43s. 6d. 66s. per head. Ploughman wanted (Married). Good cottage and garden; good wages to reliable man. Bedford, Newgrounds Farm, Tring. Reading Mercury 30 January, 1915
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