King Edward VI Grammar School, St Albans School Prize Day, 1855 |
The School Room in the Lady Chapel where the prize giving took place. à from St Alban's Abbey, by Rev. Cannon Liddell
KING EDWARD VI. GRAMMAR SCHOOL. On Tuesday, the 19th inst., the summer examination of the scholars of this ancient foundation was held in the school room adjoining the Abbey. The Right. Hon. Earl of Verulam, one of the governors, in the chair. The following is a list of the pupils who received prizes, &c.:-
Divinity. Prize to M. Kenzie. (R. S. Groome and Sedgwick honorably mentioned.) Classics. Class 1: Prize to R. S. Groome. Andrews, Harris, and Sedgwick honorably mentioned. Class 2.Prize to Wright. Foster and H. A. Reeves honorably . mentioned. Class 3: Prize to Nicholas Webb and H. A. Groome honorably mentioned: Class 4: Prize to Sworder. Brown and Farr honorably mentioned. French. Class 1 : Prize to Foster. H. A. Reeves and McKenzie honorably mentioned Class 2 : Prize to G. J. Hall. and Andrews honorablv mentioned. Class 3: Prize to Debenham. R. H. Hay honorably mentioned. German. R. S. Groome honorably mentioned. Mathematics. Class 1: Prize to Andrews. Harris and Sedgwick honorably mentioned. Class 2: Prize to H. A Groome. Debenham and J. H. Josling honorably mentioned. Class 3: Prize to W. Farr. Allen and H. Holloway honorably mentioned. Mental Arithmetic. Prize Sedgwick. Boome honorably mentioned. History & Natural Philosophy. Prize to Harris. G. Sedgwick and Andrews honorably mentioned. History and Descriptive Geography. Prize to Hall. H. A. Groome and T. H. Reeves honorably meritioned. Drawing. Prize to Austin. R. S. Groome and Langdale honorably mentioned.
The prizes were then distributed to the respective winners by the noble chairman, who accompanied each gift with a few kind, encouraging, and appropriate remarks. Professor Donaldson then addressed the boys in a humorous strain, reminding them that for the future there should be "right men for right places," and he fondly hoped that young t-gentlemen educated at the St. Alban's School would prove themselves successful competitors on all occasions. The learned Professor pathetically alluded to his unimpaired esteem and respect for his former worthy master (the Rev. Dr. Bowen) who had so carefully watched over his youthful studies in that same school, and who had never shrunk from applying the birch to when needed. [Laughter] Thanks were voted to the Rev. Dr. Nicholson and G. W. Lydekker, Esq., who had kindly conducted the examination of the pupils, and also to the Committee and Masters of the School; a vote of thanks was proposed to the chairman, carried with acclamation, acknowledged, and the meeting separated. |
![]() Herts Guardian, 20 June, 1855 |
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