St. George, Anstey


Anstey Church
Postcard by Large, photographer
posted 1906


Some Modern Pictures

The church is a fine cruciform building. It was nearly rebuilt in the time of Henry III. by Richard d'Anstie, with the materials of the demolished castle. The central tower, however, rests on Norman piers, and the font, which has figures with tails of fishes at the four angles, is also Norman The greater part of the church is Early English and Decorated. In the chancel are ancient oak stalls. In the South transept is a mutilated effigy beneath an arch, which is supposed to be that of Richard d'Anstie. In the chancel is a Latin inscription to Benedict Beavecock, d. 1635. There is a picturesque lich gate to the church yard.

Foster, Tourist's Guide to Hertfordshire, 1891

Anstey - The Church
Robert H Clark's Series
circa 1903

Rev Frank Ricarde Williams
Rector since 1906
Kelly's Directory, 1917

Anstey - The Church
Robert H Clark's Real Photographic Series
Posted Buntingford 1906
Early back, circa 1903

Posted to: Mr Bentley
3 Horseshoe Cottage, Barkway, Royston

Anstey Church  Interior

Posted 20th August 1927


Posted to Miss Noreen E Cassidy, 159 Essex Rd, Leyton

Dear Chickie, I heard from Mother that you were left behind I hope you are enjoying yourself. Peter & I have had quite a nice time, Market Day at Royston on Wednesday and very warm. With best love from Peter & Daddy

July 2016   Page created