Genealogy in Hertfordshire

Post Cards and other Pictures


Hertfordshire Post Card History

Dating Early Picture Postcards


Can you help
Picture from
The Postcard Detective

Under Construction


Many of the surviving views of Hertfordshire Towns and Villages of the early 20th century come from picture post cards and quite a few are used to illustrate this web site. The aim of these pages is to provide information on how cards may be dated, with examples from Hertfordshire.It should be noted that I am comparatively new to the field of postcard collecting and any comments from established collectors would be helpful (use tell me). Much of my information on publishers comes from Picture Postcards and their Publishers by Anthony Byatt, The Dictionary of Picture Postcards in Britain 1894-1939 by A. W. Coysh, and Picture Postcards of the Golden Age by Tonie and Valmai Holt

The Beginnings - The Undivided back

The Divided back - Inland postage only

The Divided back - Restricted Posting Overseas

 The Divided Back acceptable worldwide

Postage Stamps and Postal Rates


See draft new Index

Dated Events Postcards  

Real Photographs


Where is this? Mystery Picture Postcard


If you can add to the information given above tell me.


Last Updated October 2005