Key Web Sites


This is an active village page which includes some useful historical information. For instance the following list gives the 16th century tenants of the mill:

1516                William Carter leased the Mill for £4/-/- per year

1561                George Carpenter leased the Mill for 21 years at eleven and a half quarters of wheat, reserving fishing rights.

1571                Lease to Thomas Carpenter of a Watermill at Wheathampstead, reserving the banks of the river and half the eels taken at the Mill for 11 years at twelve and a half quarters of wheat per annum.

1598                John Clark.  Watermill, reserving fishing rights. At 10 quarters oats, half wheat, 2 oatmeal and 4 capons.

There are some old pictures of the village and web pages include information on the history of St Helen's church, and family history information on the Brocket family.

February 2003

A visit to this site reveals significant updates with many more old photographs.

Details are also given of a number of early families (Barnes, Boon, Bozier, Brockett, Burg, Burgess & others, Bygrave, Catline & others, Carter, Chennells, Cobb, Collins, Deamer & Swallow, Dollimore, Ellingham, Ewer, French, Gathard, Gatward, Hall, Hecker, Hooper, King and others, Lines, Marks, Messer, Munt, Norris, Rainsden/ Rainsdon/ Hornet, Robards & Lake, Robins, Saunders, Shambrook, Sparrow, Sygrave, Thrale, Tidd/Tydd, Titmuss, Tomalin, Welch, Westwood, Wilsher) - including links to relevant web sites.

Several current historical publications about Wheathampstead may be purchased:

Wheathampstead A Village on film (VHS video)

Tales from Old Wheathampstead and Gustardwood 1900-

Wheathampstead Railway Recollections

There is a detailed report of a talk on Wheathampstead in 1901, including a list of the 21 public houses.

July 2006

Another check shows that the site is very extensive with a very large number of photographs.

July 2010

Continues to expand - Go straight to the extended Surname pages


Page updated July 2010