
Email addresses and Security

Please Note: If the address on the web page is in fuchsia it is probably no longer valid - and I have no alternative address. Many other email addresses may be invalid - and if they don't work I will almost certainly not have an alternative.

Internet genealogy involves the free exchange of information - which means exchanging email addresses. Unfortunately some spammers have started to search the web, using "spambots," looking for anything which contains a @ and has the form of an email address. To overcome this all addresses are "grunged" so that they are not valid addresses - but need manual editing before they can be used.

What has been done is to replace the "@" with [space]@t[space]. This means that an address given as (smith @t yoho.net) should be typed as smith@yoho.net, leaving out the spaces and the "t" after the @. As [space] is not allowed in an email address your message will not transmit if you simply cut and paste the address as displayed.

In fact, at the code level (which is what the spambots search) I am replacing "smith@yohoo.net" with "smith<span style="background-color: #FFFF00"><font color="#FF0000"><b></font><font color="#0000FF">@t</font><font color="#FF0000"> </font> </b></span>yoho.net" which is not a recognisable email address., as an email address should not have any embedded html code in it.

I apologise for any inconvenience involved. Blame the perverts and others who deluge the world with spam emails.