Genealogy in Hertfordshire Mothballed Pages |
This site was first created in 2001 and due to the vast changes that have taken place on the web, and problems with the software used to maintain the site, some pages now contain information which is now out of date, or which is no longer being actively used. The current policy is to keep all appropriate historical material online, but to "mothball" some areas, based on past usage and practical considerations, so that only essential maintenance will be carried out in these areas,.
NOTE: From 2019 Archive status has been indicated by colour-coding the heading:
Uncoloured | Page not examined in 2019, or needs further assessment. Most pages (including many of the early pages) and nearly all index pages fall into this category. These pages will be allocated to one of the following categories during the "archive ready" checking process. Because the speed of checking depends on my health, and certain technical diifficulties it is likely that many pages will remain in this category when the web site is finally closed to additional updates. |
Blue | Page created, updated, or assessed in 2019 and deemed "Archive ready." Corrections and updates to these pages are welcomed. |
Grey | Old page considered "closed" in 2019. This applies to most early pages where it is likely that more information has come online since the page was created and no update is to be made (except correcting serious errors) These pages will be archived as they were in 2018. |
Areas where there are some restrictions under the "Mothballing" policy are as follows:
Area Mothballed |
Nature and extent of "mothballing" | |
Re: updates to old queries |
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All answers were made using resources given at the date given, which in some cases maybe before the censuses became available online. Answers given more than 2 years ago should be considered to be "mothballed" in that they do not refer to the latest sources. Users interested in these pages should check the more recent sources for themselves before asking any supplementary questions. However additional information, based on your own research, is always welcome. |
Re: Reviews of new books |
Recent Publications: The vast majority of books reviewed on this web site form part of my personal library of Hertfordshire material. There is already a good coverage of the better known older books. There are no funds (beyond my own pension) to extend the library to include recently published or further second-hand material. As such it is impossible to cover the torrent of new books, booklets, etc., produced by individual historians, local history societies and other organisations unless review copies are supplied. |
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This map interface was set up some time ago as an alternative to the Places menu. However user statistics at the time suggested that place pages were more likely to be accessed via the menus, via Find It, or directly through search engines such as google. The current system works for towns and villages, and will continue to be available. It will not be extended to cover hamlets and major buildings. |
Re: Links to external web sites |
This web site contains a very large number of links to external web sites, and in some cases descriptive pages. Current resources do not allow these links and pages to be regularly checked and updated - and many pages on this site may contain an old description of the external web site. Please notify me of any external links which no longer work. |
Re: No requests for action from users |
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Over the years a number of updates have been started, sometimes on an experimental basis, and as no one expressed interest in the work being completed the original "Men at Work" warning is still in place. This includes cases where a book page has been started with a message to say a review will be provided on request. All such instances are being mothballed until such time as there is a clear user-driven interest in the update being completed. |
I started to set up this tutorial many years ago, but work stopped when it was found that the demand for an online tutorial was insufficient to justify the time completing the exercise. It is now out of date as the external web sites it refers to have changed. However as it contains extensive information on the Lewin family of St Albans, and examples of how useful a family bible can be, it has been decided to keep it online |
November 2015 | created | |