
Genealogy in Hertfordshire

Quick Links

This site has grown incrementally since April 2001 and the original idea was to have one page for each town and village in Hertfordshire. Over the years I have collected additional information to the point where one page is not adequate for many places, and ad-hoc overflow pages were added for some places. At the present time there are a large number of "place pages" which clearly need restructuring - and where I have significant additional pictures, etc.

Work has started on rebuilding selected "place pages" to provide a menu which takes you to additional pages and includes links to neighbouring places. This is being done for the towns of Bishop's Stortford, Tring and Watford and the village of Barley, however the process is time consuming and it would take many years to reorganise every "place page" that needs changing.

The first stage in re-organisation is to scan the available images and this can be done quite quickly and it has been decided to do this  first - and add thumbs of the new images to the end of the existing "place pages", with in each case a link to a larger image. This will make the images available to visitors to this web site more rapidly than would be possible if they were kept back until the whole page was re-organised, and supporting text had been prepared.

If you would like more information of any of the "Quick Links" pictures please Tell Me and I will try and give priority to updating the "Place" page - with relevant added text.

Page created June 2008