The Exploring Family History Tutorial
John Lewin's Will 1772
Work on the tutorial has been "in limbo" for some time and is planned to continue early in 2009 with work on the family wills.
The following is the opening part of the will John Lewin made in 1768 and proved in 1772, kindly provided by Margot Kilcullen
This is the last Will and Testament of me John Lewin of St Albans in the County of Hertford Miller which I make publish and declare as such in manner and form following that is to say |
Identifies the person making the will. | |||
First and principally I command my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God my Maker and Creator hoping assuredly through the Merits of Jesus Christ my most blessed Saviour and Redeemer to be made partaker of Everlasting life and my Body |
A clause of this nature is usual | |||
I submit to the Earth to be decently buried in the Churchyard of Aldenham in the County of Hertford as near my late deceased wife as may be |
Place of burial | |||
And as for such Worldly Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God of his Infinite Goodness to Bless me with I dispose thereof as followeth that is to say |
Start of list of bequests | |||
I give and devise unto my Son James Lewin of Bushey Mills and his Assigns for during and untill the youngest Son of my late deceased son John Lewin shall attain the age Twenty and one years |
James is being asked to manage the following property until all John's children come of age. | |||
All the part and parts of a farm called Chilwick lying and being in the Parish of St Michael which I lately brought and purchased of Ann Lea Widow Sister of my late deceased wife as is and are Freehold and of the Tythes thereof and all other my part and share of all other the Tythes yearly arising or to arise within the said Parish of St Michael which I brought and purchased of the said Ann Lea or otherwise am intitled unto |
Identifies freehold property (Childwick Farm in NE corner of parish) plus information on wife's sister | |||
And all the Freehold Lands Tenements and Hereditaments of me the said John Lewin the Testator lying in the said Parish of St Michael or that I can by my Will dispose of except the Messuage of Tenement and Water Corn Mills called Saint Michael's Mill Buildings and Meadow ground thereunto belonging with their appurtenances hereafter mentioned |
... and any other property in the parish (except
the Mill - now called Kingsbury Mill)
A precautionary catch-all clause. |
To hold the same unto and to the use of my said son James Lewin and his assigns until the said youngest Son of my late Son John Lewin shall attain his said Age of Twenty and one years and when and as soon as such youngest son shall attain his said Age of Twenty and one years |
James uses the property until the end condition is reached | |||
Then I give and devise all such part and parts of the said Farm called Chilwick and of all the Land Tythes and Hereditaments thereunto belonging and herein before mentioned that I can by this my will dispose of unto my Grandson John Lewin Son of my said late deceased Son John Lewin and to his heirs and assigns for ever |
The property to then go to the Grandson, John. | |||
Upon this Condition nevertheless that he the said James Lewin my said son or his Assigns do and shall during so long time as he shall receive the rents and profits of the said part of the said farm and afterwards the he the said John Lewin my said grandson his Heirs or Assigns do and shall thereout well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Ann Lea Widow may said Sister in Law or her Assigns for and during the Term of her natural life the sum of Five Pounds @@@ free of all Taxes an reductions by half yearly payments the first of the said half yearly payments to begin and be made unto the said Ann Lea or her assigns at the end of Six Months next after my decease |
On acquiring the farm it was agreed to pay Ann Lea an annuity, and this should continue. | |||
and also upon this further condition that he the said John Lewin my said Grandson his heirs or assigns do and shall thereout within Twelve Months next after he shall come into possession of the said part of the said Farm Lands Tythes and Premises which I brought and purchased of her the said Ann Lea well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto his brother William Lewin and unto his Sister Mary Lewin the Sum of Two hundred Pounds apiece of lawful Money of Great Britain at their several and respective Ages of Twenty and one years |
£200 apiece for grandchildren William and Mary when they become 21. | |||
Then I give and devise and bequeath unto my said son James Lewin and his Assigns until the youngest son of my said late deceased son John Lewin shall attain his said age of Twenty and one years all such part and parts of the said Farm called Chilwick lying and being in the said Parish of St Michael as is Copyhold which I have or am entitled unto under a Conditional Surrender made by the same Ann Lea or otherwise and all the Interest that shall be due to me thereon at my death And afterward I give devise and bequeath the same unto my said grandson John Lewin his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever. And I do hereby order and direct that such person as is or shall be my Trustee or have the legal Estate in the said Copyhold premises to pay such interest accordingly and to surrender the same unto my said Grandson his Heirs and Assigns when there shall be occasion for such Person so to do |
Separate arrangements for the copyhold part of Chilwick farm to go to Grandson John when he is 21 | ||
Provided Always And I so hereby declare my Will and Mind to be that if my said Grandson John Lewin shall happen to die without lawful Issue and his Brother William Lewin shall come into possession of that part and parts of the said Farm called Chilwick Lands and Tythes which I brough and purchased from the said Ann Lea Then and in such case I give unto my said Granddaughter Mary Lewin the sum of Three hundred Pounds of likeMoney instead of the before mentioned Sum of Two hundred Pounds and unto my said Son James Lewin the Sum of One Hundred Pounds of like Money to be paid to them respectively at the end of Six Calendar Months next after the said William Lewin shall come into possession of the same part and parts of the said Farm Land and Tythes called Chilwick with the Payment of the said Two Sums of Three hundred Pounds and One hundred Pounds |
If the Grandson John dies ... | |||
Item I give and devise unto my daughter Elizabeth Wife of John King the Younger of the Parish of Kings Langley and her Assigns for and during the Term of her natural life |
Bequest to his daughter Elizabeth, wife of John King | |||
All that my Copyhold Messuage or Tenement situate and being at Lovett's End wherein John Slow doth now inhabit and dwell and all the Outhouses Buildings Barns Stables Yards Gardens Orchards and Backsides thereunto belonging And also all those several Closes Pieces or Parcels of Arable Land Ley Meadows Pasture and Wood Grounds thereunto belonging containing together by estimation Eighty Acres be the same more or less now in the Occupation of the said John Slow or his Assigns |
Copyhold property at Lovett's End, Hemel Hempstead occupied by John Slow | |||
And all that my Meadow called Grigg's Mead now in the Tenure of William Therton most part whereof is Copyhold parcel of the Manor of Hemelhempsted with the Members which I have Surrendered to the use of my Will and other parts thereof part of the Manors of Agnells otherwise Aynells and West Crookshay and which have been surrendered in both the said last mentioned Manors to the use of my Will |
A Copyhold Meadow called Grigg's Mead, which spans several mamors, and is occupiied by Willian Therton? | |||
and from and after the decease of the said Elizabeth my said daughter I give and advise the said Messuage Pasture and Wood Ground thereunto belonging situate lying and being within the several Manors aforesaid with their and every of their Appurtances unto the eldest Son of my said daughter Elizabeth King lawfully begotten or to be begotten and to the Heirs and Asigns of such Son for ever and for want of a son unto and among all the daughters of my said daughter Elizabeth King lawfully begotten or to be begotten and to their Heirs and Assigns for ever equal to be divided among them share and share alike provided always that if my said Daughter's Heir at Law at her Death shall be a son and she shall happen to leave any other child or children at her death Then if such Son his Heirs or Assigns do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto and among all such Brothers and Sisters as he shall have at the time of the death of his Mother the Sum of Four hundred pounds of good and lawful Money of Great Britain within twelve months next after her decease Provided likewise and I do hereby declare my Mind and Will to be that if my said daughter Elizabeth King shall happen to dye without lawful issue then and in such Case I give and devise the said Messuage or Tenement and Buildings and all the Arable Land Meadow Pasture and Wood Ground thereunto belonging situate lying and being at Lovett's End aforesaid and the Meadow called Griggs Mead within the several Manors aforesaid with their XXXXXXXXXXXXX and every of their Appurtenances unto my XXXX Son James Lewin his Heirs and Assigns for ever and in case my said daughter Elizabeth King and my Son James Lewin shall both of them dye without lawfull Heirs Then I give and devise the said Messuage of Tenement and Buildings and all the Arable Land Meadow Pasture and Wood Ground thereunto belonging situate lying and being at Lovett's End aforesaid and the Meadow called Griggs Mead unto my youngest son William Lewin his Heirs and Assigns for ever |
John Lewin wants any children of Elizabeth to benefit when she dies - but he has only left her a life interest so that, if she dies without issue the property stays in the family and does not go to her husband John King. | |||
Item I give and devise unto my said son James Lewin |
Bequest to son James Lewin | |||
All that my Customary field or close of Arable Land called Hilly Field now divided into two fields and containing together by estimation Six Acres (more or less) And all that my Customary Field or Close of Arable Land called Pond Field containing by Estimation Five Acres (more or less) now in the tenure or Occupation of the said James Lewin or his assigns which I lately purchased of Jacob Francis lying and being together or near each other at a place caled Halfway House in the Parish of Watford in the said County of Hertford and parte of the Manor of Cashio in the said County And all other my Copyhold Land lying within the said Manor of Cashio with the Appurtenances which Copyhold I have surrendered To the use of this my Will To hold the same unto and to the use of my said Son James Lewin his Heirs and Assigns for ever But if my said Son James Lewin shall happen to dye without lawful Issue Then and in such case I give and devise the said Three Closes of Land and Premises parcel of the said Manor of Cashio unto my youngest Son William Lewin his Heirs and Assigns for ever |
Recently purchased arable land in the Manor of Cashio | |||
Item I give and devise unto my youngest Son William Lewin |
Bequest to son William Lewin | |||
All that my Copyhold Messuage of Tenement called Newhouse wherein Thomas Catlin doth now or lately did Inhabit and dwell and all the House Outhouses Buildings Barns Stables Yards Gardens Orchards and Backsides thereinto belonging And also all those several Closes Pieces or Parcels of Arable Land Ley Meadow Pasture Wood and Furze Ground thereunto belonging containing together by Estimation Sixty Acres (be the same more or less) now in the Tenure or Occupation of Edward Harding or his Assigns and situate lying and being near a farm called Two Beccles within the Manor and Parish of Hemelhempstead in the County of Hertford which Copyhold I have surrendered To the use of this my will To hold the same unto and to the use of my said son William Lewin his Heirs and Assigns for ever But if my said Son shall happen to dye without lawful Issue Then and in such case I give and devise the said Copyhold Messuage or Tenement called Newhouse and all the Buildings Land and Ground thereon belonging unto my Son James Lewin his Heirs and Assigns for ever |
A house called Newhouse (tenant Thomas Catlin) and associated land (tenant Edward Harding) | |||
Item I give devise and bequeath unto my said Son James Lewin his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns |
Bequest to son James Lewin | |||
All that my Messuage or Tenement and Water Corn Mill or Mills thereunto adjoining called Saint Michael's Mill situate standing and being near the Town of Saint Albans in the said County of Hertford now in the tenure or Occupation of Thomas Christopher and Mary his wife, late Mary Lewin Widow my daughter in Law and all the Houses Outhouses Buildings Barns Stables Yards Gardens Orchards and Meadow or Pasture Ground thereunto belonging now in the Tenure or Occupation of the said Thomas Christopher and Mary his said Wife with all the rights Priviledges Advantages and Appurtenances to the same belonging Amd all my Estate Right Title and Interest therein and all Moneys due and owing to me thereon |
St Michael's Mill (still standing and now known as Kingsbury Mill) occupied by Thomas Christopher and Mary the widow of John Lewin. | |
Item I give and bequeath unto my said Son William Lewin |
Bequest to son William Lewin | |||
the sum of One Thousand and One Hundred Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid to him by my Executor hereafter named out of my Personal Estate at the end of Two Calendar Months next after my decease. Also I give unto my said Son William Lewin All my Silver Plate Household Goods and Furniture that shall be in the House I live in at my death |
William had got the smallest property so is paid money out of the residue | |
Item I give unto my said Grandson John Lewin my Watch |
Bequest to grandson John Lewin | |||
Item my Will is and I desire that my Executor hereafter named |
Charitable bequest | |||
will lay out the Sum of Five Pounds in Bread and distribute the same to and among such poor persons of the Parish of Aldenham as he shall think fit within one Month next after my decease |
to the poor of Aldenham | |
Item I give and bequeath unto my Son James Lewin |
Bequest to son James Lewin | |||
All the rest of my Moneys Secutities Moneys Stock in the public funds and Debts owing to me all other my Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever of what nature sort or kind soever he paying all my just Debts and Funeral Charges |
The residue of the estate | |||
Also I do make constitute and appoint him the said James Lewin my said Son full and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament |
James Lewin to be sole executor | |||
And Lastly I do hereby revoke and make void all former and other wills by me at any time heretofore made and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament contained and written on this and two other Sheets of Paper hereunto annexed set my hand and Seal to each Sheet thereof this Twenty seventh day in the Eighth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so forth and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and Sixty eight. |
Revoke former wills and signed in 1768 (month not stated). | |||
Jno Lewin |
Sign and sealed | |||
Signed Sealed published and declared by the said John Lewin the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto wrote our Names as Witnesses in the presence of the said Testator and at his request the Twenty seventh day of May One Thousand seven hundred and sixty eight |
Joseph Pedder of St Albans Innholder |
Charles Tapster of St Albans Peruke Maker | [wig maker] | |||
Wm Ginger Junr | ||||
This Will was proved at London the Eigtht Day of April in the year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and seventy two before the Worshipful William Markam Doctor of Laws and Surrogate of the Right Worshipful George Day Doctor of Laws Master Keeper of Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oath of James Lewin the Son of the deceased and sole Executor named in the said will to whom Administration was granted of all singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased having been first sworn duly to administer. |
Proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury April 8th, 1772 |
Page created October 2008