Books about Hertfordshire

"X" "Y" "Z"

This index lists books which are reviewed (or for which reviews are planned) and if you require further details please tell me, including details of your interest.

Other books and booklets may be mentioned on the appropriate town or village page.

If you can donate a copy of a book which should be reviewed here please tell me.

Yaxley, Susan History of Hemel Hempstead
Young, Arthur General View of the Agriculture of Hertfordshire

NOTICE: Recent Publications: The vast majority of books reviewed on this web site form part of my personal library of Hertfordshire material. There is already a good coverage of the better known older books. There are no funds (beyond my own pension) to extend the library to include recently published or further second-hand material. As such it is impossible to cover the torrent of new books, booklets, etc., produced by individual historians, local history societies and other organisations unless review copies are supplied.

Page created January 2007