


A Harvest of Hexton

by Anne Ashley Cooper

[Author], 1986

ISBN 0-9611112-1-3

Hardback xviii + 298 pages

  Book Cover, Hexton, Herts
  1. The Earliest Farmers: Ravensburgh Hill Fort

  2. Roman Occupation: Saxon Village: Danish Invasion

  3. Sexi the Dane: Domesday Hexton: Lord, Steward, Reeve and Villein

  4. Dedication of St Faith's Church: Medieval Farming

  5. St Faith's Well: Additions to the Church: The Black Death: Charter of Liberties

  6. A Manumission: Church Wardens' Responsibilities: Church Bells

  7. The Wool Trade: Parish Constables: Local Bequests

  8. Village Life in 1500: Hock Tide Ceremonies

  9. Dissolution of the Monasteries: Sir Richard Lee: Court Rolls and the Custom Book: Yeoman Farmers

  10. The Taverner Family: Their Village Neighbours: Civil War

  11. The Restoration: Cropping Changes: The Cross Family: 'A Goose, and Owl and a Blockhead'

St Faith's Church circa 1720
from contemporary drawing by Oldfield  (HALS)

  1. The Enclosure Act: Hexton House Built: Wesley's Influence: Sale Catalogue, 1789

  2. The Young and de Lautour Families: Census of 1841: Inventory of House 1845: Straw Plaiting; School Plaiting: School Built

  3. Captain William Young: Board School Log: May Day

  4. George Hodgson: Model Village: Henry T Hynd: World War I

  5. Sir James Hill: Sale Catalogue 1918: Between the Wars: Parish Survey

  6. The Ashley Cooper Family: Inventory of House 1941: Trench Digging: War Time Hexton

  7. Last of Mixed Farming: New Technology and Communications: Social Changes


Hexton in 1900 - one of a number of maps in the book


  1. Chapter Notes

  2. Bibliography

  3. St Faith's Churchyard

  4. Lords of the Manor of Hexton

  5. Vicar's of St Faith's

  6. Church Wardens, Overseers and Constables

  7. Head Teachers of Hexton School

  8. Chairmen of the Parish Meeting

  9. Some Landlords of the Inns

  10. Millers of Hexton Mill


Anne Ashley Cooper also wrote 100 Years of Hexton

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