Books on Hertfordshire


The Hertfordshire Landscape

The Making of the English Landscape Series

by Lionel M. Munby

Hodder & Stoughton, 1977


  1. Hertfordshire - England meditative - The shape of the county - The London communications network and Hertfordshire's regions

  2. The Early Settlers - Prehistory - The Catuvellauni - Roman Hertfordshire - The Anglo-Saxons

  3. English Hertfordshire - Odsey and Hitchin Hundreds: The Vale of Wringtale - East Hertfordshire: Edwinstree and Braughing Hundreds - Central and West Hertfordshire - Hertford and St Albans

  4. The medieval expansion - The growth of towns - Rural expansion - The homes of the wealthy

  5. Late medieval decline - Deserted medieval villages - Hunting parks

  6. The impact of the gentry - Newcomers - Country Houses - Landscaped parks - Follies and tombs

Luffenhall Farm, Clothall

  1. Farmers and the changing landscape - Piecemeal enclosure - The garden of England - Smaller domestic buildings - Parliamentry enclosure

  2. The eighteenth century: Hertfordshire on the eve of transformation - The field and their produce - Watermills - Maltings and breweries - The inns - The beginnings of modern communications: turnpike trusts and navigations - The Grand Junction Canal

  3. Railways and commuters - For and against the railways - The railway landscape - The Victorian townscape - Middle class estates - The commuter and the countryside

  4. Garden Cities and New Towns - Borehamwood and the New Towns - The Garden Cities - The New Towns - The future of Hertfordshire


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