Garden City
in Picture Postcards
Margaret Pierce
Yesterdays World Publications, 2004
Paperback, 29.5*21 cm, ISBN 0 9542771 1 2
An attractively presented collection of postcards chronicling the history of the Garden City, with many cards presented in an enlarged format. Each card has at one or two lines of descriptive text associated with it.
Main Headings: Views around the Garden City; Cheap Cottages Exhibition 1905; Residential Areas; Garden City Community Spirit; Education and Care; Hotels and Public Houses; Shopping in the Garden City; Garden City Churches; Industry in the Garden City; Garden City open spaces and leisure; Travelling to the Garden City.
There is a web page for Letchworth Garden City
See also Locating
[very recently published book - available new]
If you can add to the information given above tell me.
Last updated November 2004