Hemel Hempstead Volunteer Company


A. J. Ward

[No publisher or date]

Booklet, 21 * 15 cm, 16pages

New? Edition available from Dacorum Heritage Trust

Locating Books
At the time this page was last updated copies were available from DHT







More Information about this Book

Ideally every book review page on this site would include the contents, sample text and/or illustrations, whether there is an index, and particular features of specific interest to local and family historians. However I can provide a better service by including brief details of a large number of books, and only providing fuller details of a book when someone indicates an interest .

If you would like more information about this book tell me, including the title, and possibly including a brief mention of type of information you are looking for. I will try and provide a fuller review within the week, with special reference to your interests.

Locating Books
August 2010   Page Created