George Farr Arnold gives workmen a holiday From the Herts Advertiser, 13th August, 1859 |
AN EMPLOYER AND HIS WORKMEN In these days of "strikers" and disagreements between masters and workmen, it is especially pleasing to see good feeling and unanimity existing between these parties, and we are always glad to notice instances in which masters have endeavoured to show the employed that their interests and welfare are studied, On Thursday last, Mr G. F. Arnold, builder, of this town, gave a holiday to the workmen employed by him, and provided means whereby they might enjoy themselves, in company with their wives and families. About two o’clock 45 workmen sat down to a sumptuous dinner, given by their employer under a marquee erected for the purpose in a meadow on the Hatfield Road. The dinner was provided in a most liberal style, and the workmen were exceedingly pleased with the mannerin which their tastes had been studied. After dinner various amusements were engaged in, including cricket, trap bat, skittles, &c., &c., and every person found the way to pass his time in a pleasant manner. In the afternoon all the workmen, with their wives and families sat down to tea, under the marquee. The tea was provided in the same liberal manner as the dinner, nor need we say how the men enjoyed th pleasure of seeing their families happy as well as themselves In the evening the Yeomanry Brass Band, under the direction of Mr. C. Lewis, played various airs, marches, polkas, &c. &c. Many of the men with their wives and families, or sweethearts, as the case may be, stood up on the beautiful green carpet which nature had provided for them, and joined in the dance, as merry and happy as light hearts could make them.. The various amusements were kept up till between nine and ten o'clock, when the band played the workmen out of the field, and they separated greatly pleased with their day's amusement, and we hope thankful to their employer for his kindness in providing such a pleasant holiday for them. During the afternoon a match at cricket between two elevens of the workmen, chosen by Messrs Michell and Wise took place, in which their employer joined. The following is the score à
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For more information see George Farr Arnold