Little Gaddesden

Until the end of the 19th century a narrow strip of Buckinghamshire separated Little Gaddesden from Ashridge.


Multiview greetibgs card of Little Gaddesden, Herts

Little Gaddesden - multi-view card by R. Pratt, Little Gaddesden


LITTLE GADDESDEN, a small agricultural parish, on the River Gade, 28 miles from London, 6 miles south of Dunstable, 6 east of Tring, and 4 north of the Great Berkhampstead station. The church is a small Gothic building, with tower and 2 bells. The living is a rectory, value £275 yearly, in the archdeaconry of St Albans and bishopric of Rochester; the incumbent is the Rev David Jenks, M.A. Some of the Bridgewater family are buried here; it is in the hundred of Dacorum and Great Berkhampstead Union. The soil is principally clay and chalk; acres about 1,000. The charities are about £25 yearly; population 454.

Ravendale is 2 miles north-east.


Post Office Directory 1850



Alfred Lord, M.P. Ashridge House
Jenks Rev David, M.A
Mayling John, esq. The Priory


Atty George, land agent
Clifton William, shopkeeper
Cutler Edward, butcher & shopkeeper
Cutler Richard, baker
Fountain Mark, butcher
Harvey John, tailor
Holland George, farmer
Marriott Thomas, tailor
Norris Arthur Sml, 'Bridgewater Arms'
Pangbourn Thomas, carpenter
Reeve William, shopkeeper
Rogers James, shoemaker
Tompkins Adam, nurseryman
Tonlin James, shopkeeper & tailor
Underwood George, farmer
Wilson John, schoolmaster


Little Gaddesden Village, with horse & cart, Hertfordshire

Little Gaddesden

Published by Wm. F. Piggott, Leighton Buzzard, circa 1904



Little Gaddesden & Ashridge by Howard Senar - a comprehensive history with photographs and maps/line drawings

Little Gaddesden Church, by Howard Senar

Ashridge - A Living History by Kay N. Sanecki

Little Gaddesden - history by Vicars Bell

A century remembered (Little Gaddesden) edited by John Leonhart - the village in the 20th century.

The Practical Farmer, To meet Mr Ellis and Pehr Kalm: A Finnish Visitor to the Chilterns for information on 18th century farming.


See also: Supporting the poor; Little Gaddesden 1780-1834

Maps of the area

St Peter & St Paul

The Manor House

Some other houses

Lady Alford's Memorial

In the Village


1838 Enclosure Map


Selected Answers

HORN 18/17th centuries
TAYLOR, 19th century
If you have a relevant question why not Ask Chris

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October 2012   Page reformated with new menu
December 2012   Links to Chruch Guidebook and enclosure map added