The Hertfordshire Gunners go to War
Sergeants of the 2nd Herts Battery
One the 8th August 1914 the Hertfordshire Batteries proceeded to their war stations in Essex, and in April 1915 was ordered to leave its coast defence positions and an area around Hemel Hempstead was allocated to what was now called the 1st/4th East Anglian Brigade, and they found themselves in the Gadebridge Camp. The East Anglian (54th) Division's headquarters were at Donnington House, St Albans. At the end of 1915 they spent some time in France (without seeing much action) before spendingt the rest of the war fighting in the Middle East.
For very extensive information on the Herts RFA
- and its activities during the First World War see J. D Sainsbury's
Hertfordshire Batteries Royal Field Artillery
Illustrated History 1908-1920
Page created October 2005