If you have found this site useful


Herts Mind Network


Please help me raise money for a Hertfordshire

Mental Health Charity


Unless you, or someone close to you, has been seriously mentally ill, it is hard to realise how utterly devastating mental illness can be.

I suffered post traumatic stress disorder following the tragic death of my daughter Lucy in 1985. This led to my taking early retirement in 1988 after I became over-stressed and unable to continue in my university post. My small pension allowed me to concentrate on voluntary activities and for over twenty years I have worked towards improving the facilities available for the mentally ill. I have done almost everything from making cups of tea at a drop-in centre to being a Council of Management member (effectively a non-executive director) of the major national mental health charity Mind, and being the public (non-voting) voice on committees responsible for funding and managing the appropriate Hertfordshire services.


Donate Online Here

in memory of Lucy and Belinda

and to help others with mental health problems.

To relax, and to stop me becoming depressed about what happened, I turned to historical research and providing help to people all over the world via this web site has been a lifeline.

If you have found this site and my help and advice useful please say thank you, and cheer me up,  by making an online donation to the Herts Mind Network.

Herts Mind Network

Herts Mind Network is a mental health organisation providing a diverse range of recovery orientated services from its 7 Wellbeing Centres and accompanying Outreach Centres located across Hertfordshire.

It is affiliated to the national mental health charity Mind which aims to make sure anyone with a mental health problem has somewhere to turn for advice and support.


How the online system donation works

Herts Mind Network has set up an account with everyclick.com, and for a very nominal charge everyclick will collect online donations, claim gift aid for UK tax payers, and arrange currency conversions as required. Donations can be made anonymously - and even the charity does not know who made them.

Fund-raisers can nominate individual collection box accounts - for instance for sponsored events, for in memoriam gifts, etc. The money goes straight into the main charity account, but running totals are kept for each online collecting box.

The Donate button above takes you to the "Genealogy" collecting box and the total will be displayed on the opening page of this site.