PRISOT, Wallington, 15th Century August, 2003 |
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Charlotte Smith (charlotsmith @t writes: According to information Sir John Prisot, Chief justice of Common Pleas 1449- is buried in Wallington church. I would like to know what the inscription on the tomb says.
You didn't say where you live, but if you live in England you will know that the survival of early church monuments is rare, and you will have seen from the account of Wallington on this site that "there are some sadly mutilated monuments" in the church. I have therefore gone to a much earlier source (Salmon) and added his description of the monuments to the Wallington page. This makes it clear that any inscriptions on the tomb that is believed to be that of Sir John Prisot had already been lost by 1728.
Salmon also includes the following account relevant to the ownership of the manor:
There is no Account fit to be depended upon until Henry VIth's Reign, then John Prysot, a great lawyer, and Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, enjoyed this estate. That King gave him 40l. and 13l. odd money to support his State, with 60l odd money for his Summer Robe, and 106 shillings for his Winter Robe. His Arms were, Gules on a Chief Argent three Crosses Azure. Whether in the Wars of York and Lancaster the Lord of this Place had forfeited for bring of the wrong side, and whether Prysot had the Manor by Grant of the Crown, 'tis no-where said. His wife Margaret enjoyed it after his Death, and was one of the List that could dispend 10l. per Ann.
Upon the Death of Margaret, the Estate is said to have been sold to the Crown, but as there is no proof of the sale. 'tis much more likely Edward IV stript the Family of it, for having been so heartily in the Lancastrian Interest.
There is an entry for Sir John Prisot in the Dictionary of National Biography