Books on Hertfordshire

Historical Records of St Albans

containing the

History of the Grammar School


Leprosy in St Albans during the Middle Ages

by Arthur Ernest Gibbs

Gibbs & Bamforth, St Albans, 1888


The Grammar School

Pre-reformation History
The Wine Charters
The Masters
History of the School subsequent to the Charters
Miscellaneous Notes

Leprosy  at St Albans during the Middle Ages

St Julian's Hospital
The Hospital of St Mary de Pré

Despite its very general sounding title this book is basically two specialist monographs. Clearly the book is of interest to anyone researching the Grammar School, and it includes a list of masters from 1588 to 1881. There are details of the funding in the form of the wine charters - which was effectively a local tax - and various benefactions. Details are also given of the governors, etc. and covers the history up to the transfer from the Lady Chapel of the Abbey into the Abbey Gateway (previously the town goal). It is well indexed but the number of names of post-medieval names is small, and many of the people mentioned are the great and the good, for which many other records exist. For anyone with a general interest in the Grammar School the account in the Victoria County History will be more accessible and more up-to-date. It is far less relevant to the average genealogist to the author's other book, The Corporation Records of St Albans

  There are web pages for St Albans and for St Albans Schools

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