"The Times" is a major National newspaper which has widely been considered as a important historical source, in part, perhaps because it has been indexed since 1790. Palmer's index was published in part from 1790 to 1905, and while the indexing is somewhat superficial and a bit idiosyncratic it is far better that nothing. This was succeeded in 1906 by the Official Index to the Times. These indexes are now available online - but only by subscription or through major libraries worldwide. Many large libraries also have a compete set of microfilms of the paper.
There is a complete set of microfilms of The Times at the Library Store at New Barnsfield, Hatfield, together with an index.
The following is the result, carried out looking for "TRING" in the Palmer Index PALMERS On CD-ROM Copyright Chadwyck-Healey, 1994
In the printed index items were in alphabetical order - so only one of the above entries would have been found looking under "Tring". The computer search can be a great improvement but it must be remembered that each news item - whether a single sentence or several columns long, was reduced to a one line entry. |
A number of the early reports of Hertfordshire events were reported from the Country Chronicle, for example the very brief A Stage Coach accident of 1817 or the much longer Exhumation of a dead body of 1823.
The above mentioned index has now been rendered obsolete as the Times has now been digitised and the index and images are available online through subscribing organisations. These include many public libraries and, for example, it is possible for members of the Herts Public Libraries to access the back issues of the paper on their home computers.
See Registration of the Children of Dissenters for an example of a news item and a couple of advertisements. It is possible that John Gibbs of Aylesbury may have been a correspondent circa 1830.
If you can add to the information given above tell me.
Page updated November 2007