Christmas Cards

by "Dauber"

(Fred Spurgin)

Published by Watkins & Krake


A very distinctive set of cards, signed with the pseudonym "Dauber" apparently first published in the autumn of 1909 by Watkins & Krake.

The known series numbers could suggest the compete set contains 12 cards. There is no evidence of any later reprints.

A Christmas Greeting!

Hark! the herald angels sing

A Christmas Greeting

May perfect Peace and Harmony

Be yours this day, old boy

And no one throws cold water

On your Merry Song of Joy.

Series No 910

11 December 1909


A Jolly Christmas hoping everything will go down alright

Eat well, drink wekk, but don't be silly

And father's pants will soon fit Willei.

Series No 918


Christmas cones but once a year

so hope you'll keep it up!

May you not have any

Petty worries this Xmas!

Series No 921

23 December 1910

Hoping you'll be up to scratch this Xmas

May the finger of time only trace,

Lines of Happiness on your face,

And as the Deasons go faster & faster

May all your freinds stick to you like plaster.



Hoping you'll spend a nice time this Xmas, and sew-on

You needn't keep up Xmas,

Appearance, or Riches.

But I'm sending you a button

For you must keep up your ____

Series No 801


Published by W.& K. Ltd. 51/52 Beech Str. London E. C. Series No. xxx

Copyright. Printed in Saxony

Published by Watkins & Krake Ltd.

The series appears to have been continued in the following year(?) in the Paternoster Series, signed by Fredk Spurgin.   The "F S" project is part of the "Genealogy in Hertfordshire" web site which was set up in 2001 to encourage research in family and local history.

If you can fill in any of the gaps (missing postcard images, series numbers, or earliest postal dates) this will help other researchers who visit this site.