Other Unclassified Backs associated with "F S" |
Most cards that can be related to the "F S"
and "Green Back" stages of Fred Spurgin's career have been
specifically identified in the catalogue, with a page
devoted to each, or information associated with the
publisher if the backs only appear for that publisher.
However there are a small number of cards which can
definitely be associated with "F S" with backs which have
not been fitted into the overall
pattern. This page can be considered to be a work page in that if a new example is discovered it will be added here, while if several examples of the same back are found, and are put in context, the entries below will be moved to a new page recording the specific back. |
Normal back version of card or comments |
Variant back |
![]() A Woman at the bottom of it Signed "F S" Early Saxony back April 1907 [Other members of the series also redrawn] |
Series Advice to Girls at the Seaside [Query - does the reported London View Co Ltd card have the same back or does it have an earlier back] |
[No version seen with a recognised back] |
[Same signature as the Inter-Art set WINNING but no evidence that it is a reprint of an Inter-Art card]. |
Series This back is identical to the Writing Space II back except that the place of publication is given as Saxony rather than Germany. These cards are probably all by Donald McGill. These similar backs may be why it is suggested that Donald McGill was involved with the Green Back cards, |