Printed in Germany
Note: There is a very similar back,
Space Saxony, where the difference is only the
country of origin. |

Barmaids (1914)
Writing Space II |

The Typist - A typewriter saves time & makes work a
Posted 14 March 1914
F V P]
Variant colouring and Series 9034
Writing Space II |

Some one has been there before him!
Writing Space
Sept 1911] 29
September 1911
Also with Series Number and just number
Writing Space II |

The Law
Writing Space II

The Heavenly Twins - I Don't Think
Lined address
Greetings card
Writing Space II |
Who Said Liar
Writing Space II
Unsigned - No Series identified - In some
cases the artist may be "F S" |
Following in father's footsteps
Writing Space II |
Is this true, concerning you?
Writing Space II

Housemaids Knee
A Pleasant Complaint
also see
Writing Space II

'ere, why don't you steer ...
Posted 16 August 1911
Writing Space II |

But there's always room for a girl
Posted 23 August 1911
Writing Space II |

"Oh, He's touching me!"
Writing Space II |

A flea in the hand is worth two in the bed
Space See
Writing Space II |

A Scotch Reel (Real Scotch)
Space II
Also Crown
Series 1009
Writing Space II |

It was the schooner Hesperus that sailed the
wintry sea
And the skipper had brought his bottle of stout
To bear him company
12 September 1912
Writing Space II |
I saw these last night - are they yours?
Writing Space II
Many different versions - See
Unknown Green Back Publisher |

The Sausage was a fat one
The outside was a skin
The Inside was a mystery
Of a dog called Little Jim
No Signature
See also Vertigen Series 6071 |
A Merry Christmas
I've kept the bottle & the
duck and send this card to wish you luck
Writing Space II |

We all want something to cuddle
Writing Space II |

These are Spoons. There are others.
Writing Space II
August 1911
McGill, first published circa 1906] |
A Merry Christmas
Out in the Cold World
Out in the Street
& not got a morsel
to drink or to eat
Writing Space II |

Old Mother Hubbard, she went to the
To get the poor girl a new dress
When she got there, the cupboard was bare
And so was the girl I guess
Series] |
I sat on the pier.
Mt heart was in a whirl,
My mouth was full of hair,
and my arms were full of girl.
Writing Space II |
This is wooden-headed. It is not the only thing.
Writing Space II |
"Oh lor! Fancy 'avin a
pain in that
Space II |