Some Contemporary Artists of 'F S'

Donald McGill

Donald McGill was one of the more famous comic card artists of the early 20th century, and produced cards for a number of British post card publishers. The principle interest here arises because of the similarity of the following two cards, and in particular the dating of his card "It's very windy."

It is very breezy down here! but I'm enjoying myself alright


Two very similar cards - so who copied who?

ß Card by "F S" (circa 1906/7)

Card by Donald McGill (posted 1908) à

See "It is very breezy"


It's very windy but I'm enjoying myself all right

Pictorial Postcard Company

Look there Maggi ...

E S 86 (1906)


These are Spoons, there are others

ES 2069

Later Reprinted unsigned as Series 3095 and Writing Space II


An Old Country Seat

Donald McGill's first cards appeared in 1905 in the Empire Series (E S) for the Pictorial Postcard Company. There were a few more in 1906 and the majority appeared in 1907. The Company was wound up in 1908.


Father's Box of Tools

E S 2014


The Motorist's Trials

The soiling of his nice clean car with nasty middle class blood   E S 3042


ES 2007

ES 2023

ES 2044

ES 2050

ES 3129

Hutson Brothers

Hold my Lantern by Donald McGill

HB 884

  When the Pictorial Postcard Co closed the business transferred, in part at least, to the Hutson Brothers, and Donald McGill continued to produce post cards for them,    

The Helter Skelter by Donald McGill

HB Not numbered - September 1909

Joseph Asher

A 19

A 66

After the Pictorial Postcard Co closed  Donald McGill also started producing cards for Joseph Asher and some of the early cards are shown here

Initially the cards were in a somewhat similar style.

A 110

A 255

A 101

Assuming that the "Asher A" series numbers represent the order in which the different cards were published the card It's very windy but I'm enjoying myself all right was numbered A 240 and comes about here in the series - suggesting a date no earlier than 1908.

A 262

A 245

A 247

A 322


McGill went on to produce many more comic post cards.

A 295

A 428


Two later cards are of interest  as they use the same fat woman.

In particular the card on the left includes the man loosing his hat in a way similar to tha of the original "F S" card.


 While others covered "windy" subjects


 It's very windy here

Asher Series A 12

Posted 1912?

 It's very windy here

Asher Series A 124

Posted 1912


"Look here, young man - you go and sit down on that seat till the wind drops or I'll lock you up !!"

No A 1487  Posted  30 July 1915


International Art Co.



Donald McGill started producing cards for Inter-Art in 1915 at about the time that Fred Spurgin moved to Art & Humour