Maxim Niven formed the Klio Post Card Company
Ltd at
118 City Road, London E.C., the Klio trade mark being
registered in May of the same year. and he was probably responsible
for the advert "WATER-Colour Designs and Photos
Wanted. Must be really humorous. Also other originals
suitable for post-card reproduction. Office 7, 118 City
Road, London." (London Daily News, 30
November 1905). Bryatt reports in some detail and says
that the company only existed for about a year, and was
mainly involved in importing postcards. Niven acquired a
number of trademarks and the "Janus" view cards were
apparently moved to the
London View
Company (did Niven have some connection??)
In July 1907 he received a thousand preference shares in
Blum & Degan
for the assignment of a trade mark, and then was
involved when the company collapsed in October 1908. He
was simply described as a merchant in Newington in 1910. |