Publishers Henry Garner Living Picture Post Card Co. Ltd |
The initials "HGL" relate to Henry Gardner, a post card publisher of Leicester, and later of Leicester & London. He started with local view cards by 1903, and launched the "Living Pictures Series" in 1904. By 1907 he was selling a range of comic post cards by various artists - including at least six sets of "F S" cards. At the end of 1908 he was in dispute with a printer, Shaw and Leathjly, of Skipton, (see below) and he seems to ceased publication of new post cards, possibly transferring part of its business to the East London Printing Co., shortly afterwards. |
While only a few post cards have such an elaborate heading the central logo, with the camera and "H G L", is common |
" F S" Sets where publisher was stated as H Garner of London & Leicester | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
H Garner published a lot of photographic sets in the "Living Picture Series" |
Living Picture Series - Song Titles Illustrated |
A few were photographs of line drawings in the "Song Titles Illustrated" set. These include pictures signed by "F/S" but whether there is any connection with the "F S" who did the above comic cards is uncertain. Some of the "Living Picture Series" - but not the "Song Titles" set - were also published by the East London Printing Co. |
Song Titles Illustrated No 601 The Flight of Ages Signed F/S |
Living Picture Series (with normal Garner "Camera" logo) |
14 July 1906 |
The song was by Frederic E. Weatherly and the music by Frederick Bevan. It was first published in 1890 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Song Titles Illustrated No 606 "Kind, kind and gentle is She. Kind is my Mary" |
Living Picture Series [Signature, partly hidden by title block - but almost certainly not "F S"] |
This was a favorite Scotch ballad, written by Gabriel H. Barbour, as sung by Mr. Dempster; composed for and dedicated to Miss Mary Wood by Wm. C. Peters. First published in the 1840s | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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No 609 "Love smiles but to deceive" |
Living Picture Series (with normal Garner "Camera" logo) |
20 March 1906 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The song is from the ballad opera "The Bohemian Girl" composed by Michael William Balfe, with a libretto by Alfred Bunn, and first performed at the Drury Lane Theatre in 1843. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Song Titles Illustrated No 610 The Last Watch Signed F/S 1906 |
Living Picture Series (with normal Garner "Camera" logo) |
The words of this song were by Frederic Edward Weatherly (1848-1929) and the music by Ciro Pinsuti (1829-1888) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Song Titles Illustrated No 610 The Garden of Sleep Signed F/S 1906 |
Living Picture Series (with normal Garner "Camera" logo) |
3 April 1907 [2 April 1907] |
A summer song with words by Clement Scott (1841-1904); music by Isidore De Lara (1858-1935) published in the 1890s. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pirate copy? of The Pleasures of Cycling | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Some other comic cards published by H Garner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
From the British Newspaper Archives | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In a court case involving fraud "William Henry Neeves, manager for Henry Garner, pictorial postcard publisher, London and Leicester, said that during November, 1906, be received a letter, purporting to come from Henry Arnold, Haslemere, asking for prices and quotations of picture postcards. Prices were sent, and large order was received in return, but it was not immediately carried out, as witness feared there was something shady about the transaction. He therefore wrote and asked Mr. Arnold come to town and see him. In reply to that letter prisoner called on him, and said he was employed by the Picture Postcard Distributing Company, and that he had over 20 travellers under him. ... ... Head Constable Metcalfe said that prisoner [Henry Clough] had been charged at other courts with fraud, embezzlement and larceny, and was, in fact, arrested by the Reigate Police on his release from prison. ..." Dorking and Leatherhead Advertiser - Saturday 06 June 1908 |
AMUSING PICTURE POSTCARD CASE CLAIM BY A SHIPLEY FIRM At Leicester County Court yesterday an amusing case regarding the sale of postcards was heard. The plaintiffs were Messrs. Shaw and Leathley Ltd., manufacturing stationers, Shipley, and the defendant, Henry Garner, newsagent and stationer. Leicester. Plaintiffs sued for £56 18s. 2d. for goods supplied, and defendant counter-claimed for £113 15s for breach of contract or warrenty. Mr Wright, who appeared for plaintiff, said the claim was for the supply of humorous cards, not at all works of art, including ones with the following titles:-"It's nice to be a father," "May your troubles be little ones," "The fear that our population is decreasing is now at an end," "put me amongst the girls," Are you the little bird the little bird that tells my wife everything?" and "Following the tram lines home." After delivery complaint was made that the cards were not up to sample. Charles Russell, lithographer, Leeds, was called to give expert evidence, and said that for the price, 7s 6d and 8s. 6d. per thousand. the cards were of good quality. Mr. Dodd (for the defence) cross-examined witness as to a number of the cards. In reference to one entitled "My landlady is one of the best," he asked, "Has the landlady lost her face?" Witness: The face is very flat. Mr. Dodd (to an attendant); Bring in another box of landladies. (Laughter.) Mr. Wright; Plenty of them. There are two truckloads outside. (Renewed laughter.) Walter Shaw, formerly manager of the plaintiff company, said the cards supplied were fully up to sample. In a humorous card the subject was absolutely the main consideration, and not quality. Take one, "How Bridget served the potatoes undressed." That card had run into an edition of 100,000 copies, and always sold, no mater how inferior the card. Mr. Dodd (looking the card): And that's what Mr. Shaw calls a joke! Mr. Shaw: Well, it's not my joke. It was taken from “Punch”! (Laughter.) Evidence was given for the defence that the majority of the cards were returned. Judgment was reserved. Shipley Times and Express - Friday 20 November 1908 His Honour delivered judgment in the case of S•aw And Leathley, Ltd. manufacturing stationers and printers, Bridge Works, Shipley, Yorks, versers Herry Garner, 18, London-rood. Leicester, which was a claim for picture postcards supplied. It was quite inipossile. his Honour said, for him to go through the enormous number of postcards, the quality of which was in dispute. It was evidently a case for an expert, and he thought he had found a good referee in the load manager of Messrs. W. H. Smith and Sons. He had submitted questions to him as be would have done to a jury. The first question was whether the consignment of cards, consisting of 26 subjects. was of a merchantable quality up to the standard that might have been prequired[??] to be in the contemplation of the parties in view of certain stated facts. The decision pas that the cards were of inferior workmanship, and not of a merchantable value. Tits other questions submitted by his Honour were answered to the following effect : Nineteen subjects out of the twenty-six were badly printed, and totally unsaleable. Six of the subject« were saleable, but inferior to the required standard. One subject only was up to the required standard. His Honour gave judgment for defendant. There was a counter-claim by defendants for breach of contract, and his Honour allowed a nominal verdict for 40s. damages. Leicester Daily Post - Wednesday 20 January 1909